Can You Freeze Pineapple Juice?

Can You Freeze Pineapple Juice?

As I was leaving the church yesterday, I spotted big pineapples going for a low price. I did not buy it because I did not want any leftovers. My primary concern was, can you freeze pineapple juice? 

My findings make me regret having let such an incredible opportunity pass me. 

Read on to learn my findings.

The best way to preserve pineapple juice for a long time is by freezing it. As long as you maintain high hygiene standards to keep off bacteria growth, pineapple juice will still be good after freezing. Frozen pineapple juice can last for 8 to 12 months! 

This article will guide you on how to freeze your pineapple juice and the precautions to take. 

So, read till the end. 

Can You Freeze Pineapple Juice?

I caught a cold a few days ago, and one of the fruits I consider eating during such times as these is a pineapple because it contains Vitamin C, which helps boost immunity. Sadly, you cannot blend a whole pineapple and consume it all at a go.  That is too much! 

So what? Can you freeze pineapple juice?

Yes, you can freeze pineapple juice for future use. You read that right! Here is another thing that might shock you, frozen pineapple juice can last up to 8 to 12 months if you store it in the coldest part of the fridge and use an air-tight container!

Therefore, if you are a busy Mum with a busy schedule ahead but want to ensure your kids have enough pineapple juice, consider freezing it. 

Can You Freeze Pineapple Juice?
Photo by Esmihel Muhammad

Be warned, though, based on how long you have frozen your juice, its taste and color might change over time. So, if you love the original taste, frozen pineapple juice might not be your best option. 

Nevertheless, the change of color and taste should not be an issue because the juice is still good enough for consumption.

After thawing, use a spoon to mix it well before taking it.

Is Pineapple Juice Good After Freezing?

Yes, pineapple juice is good after freezing. Nevertheless, there are some exceptions: If, when preparing the juice, it was contaminated, then even after freezing it, it will not be good (safe) for taking. 

Another thing to consider is how you thaw the pineapple juice after freezing for a long time (more on this later). 

Also, if you do not thaw your juice many times, it will still be good after freezing. 


How Do You Freeze Your Pineapple Juice? 

You do not need a degree to freeze your pineapples safely. Reading this article is all you need. Whatever method you choose to freeze them, you can consume completely safe pineapple juice after 8 to 12 months or before. 

So, how do you preserve pineapple juice for a long time? You can preserve pineapple juice for a long time by using:

  • A glass bottle
  • An Ice tray
  • A silicone ice cream tray

Glass Bottle

If you want to be 100% safe from taking contaminated pineapple juice, store it in a glass bottle. Glass bottles are good because they do not absorb odors and flavors from foods or beverages. 

Therefore, your juice will be free of contamination from other foods stored in the freezer.

Can You Freeze Pineapple Juice?
Photo by Jessica Lewis Creative

However, it is a rule of thumb, do not fill to the brim because the juice will expand after being in the freezer for some time. Leave enough space for its expansion. A one-inch headspace or two should be enough.  

Glass bottles are the best options for storing large quantities of pineapple juice. 

Ice Tray

If you want to make pineapple juice ice cubes, an ice tray is a good idea and a fast method to get great results. Here is what you need to do:

  • Clean the ice cube tray and pour small amounts of the juice into each slot. Leave enough space (1 to 2 inches) due to expansion. 
  • Store the ice tray in the freezer overnight to make the juice hard and stiff. 
  • The next day, transfer the juice ice cubes into a freezer-safe bag and seal it tightly before storing it in the freezer again. Alternatively, use a zip-lock bag. Whichever the bag is, completely seal it so that air does not go in and the juice does not absorb odors from other foods or beverages (if any are stored there).

Ice Lolly Mould

Does your kid love ice cream? Think about using frozen pineapple juice to make ice lollies. All you need is silicone ice cream trays. You’ll also need lolly sticks. Here is what to do.

  • Clean the silicone ice cream tray and dry using a clean kitchen towel. 
  • Pour in a little fresh pineapple juice and store in the freezer for about 20 to 30 minutes. Leave 2 to 3 inches of space for expansion. 
  • After 20 to 30 minutes, pop the lolly sticks at the center of each ice cream slot. 
  • After being in the freezer overnight, you can transfer them into zip lock bags or a freezer bag that you can tightly seal. 
  • To remember the date stored, note it on the bags and store them in the freezer for later use.

You can consider buying the ProCook ice lolly moulds because its material is BPA-free, making it safe for use. Besides, the silicone used is durable. 

Tips To Safely Store Frozen Pineapple Juice For Long

Freezing pineapple juice to avoid wastage is a sure and easy way to save your fruit and money. Even so, it could be an unsafe way of preserving your blended fruit juice. 

This is what I am saying. Ensure your juice is still good after being in the freezer for 8 to 12 months or less by doing the following:

Prepare The Fresh Fruit Juice In Strictly Clean Conditions

If you do not clean the storage containers correctly or use dirty hands when preparing the juice, your natural pineapple juice will get contaminated. Consequently, even after freezing it, for a couple of days or months, it will still be unsafe to take your frozen drink after thawing.

Therefore, besides ensuring that your hands are clean, ensure that the working table and the items you use, such as the airtight container, are clean. In addition, ensure that the freezer is clean. 

Freeze Immediately After Blending

One major thing to know about homemade juice and any other fresh juice is that it must be consumed immediately after blending it to ensure no nutrients are lost. 

Therefore, always store your pineapple juice in the freezer soon after preparing it to preserve the nutrients and keep off any potential bacteria.

Besides, you could preserve the pineapple flavor even after the freezing process if you freeze it immediately after blending it and use an airtight container. 

Use Glass Containers or Airtight Bags

To keep off odor and contamination of the pineapple juice by other foods, it is highly recommended you use glass containers that are freezer safe. So, while plastic is cheaper for storing food and beverages in the fridge or freezer, it is not the best option. 

So, spend a little more money on glass containers (f you do not have some already) and use them to preserve your juice.

If you do not have the glasses, you can still use a plastic bag; for example, you can use sealable bags or freezer-safe plastic bags that will not tear after being in the freezer for months. 

Two things are essential; labeling the date you have stored the juice in the freezer to remember its expiration date or to know which one should be consumed first, especially if you prepared pineapple juice on different days and stored it all in the freezer. 

Secondly, ensure that the freezing temperature is good. So, ensure your juice is in the coldest place in your freezer.

Quantity Is Key

When storing the juice, avoid storing it in a large plastic container or glass bottle unless you intend to consume it all after thawing. If you live alone and cannot consume it all after thawing, storing it in small quantities is a great way to preserve its flavor and taste. 

Better yet, you get the best quality homemade juice even after being thawed if you store it in small quantities.

Consider The Ripeness Of The Pineapple

While frozen pineapple juice can last for up to 12 months in the freezer and still be safe for consumption, it is essential to know that it could become more acidic than it was when storing it.

Can You Freeze Pineapple Juice?
Photo by Denys Gromov

If you use ripe pineapples to prepare the juice, expect it to become more acidic if you freeze it for so long. The longer it stays in the freezer, the more acidic it becomes. Therefore, consuming it as soon as possible is a great idea. 

Thaw Safely

How you thaw your frozen pineapple juice is equally crucial as it could help retain the quality of your juice. Here is what I am saying, avoid putting the glass jar containing the pineapple juice in hot water immediately after removing it from the freezer.

That is detrimental, and it could also make your glass break instantly! ​Instead, always move the frozen juice from the freezer to the refrigerator one night before consumption. In the morning, remove it from the refrigerator and place it in a safe place where children cannot access it.

 The room temperature of your house is enough to make it warm for taking after a couple of hours.

Is It Safe To Thaw Pineapple Juice Twice?

Thawing the pineapple juice twice is not a great idea because its quality degrades. This is why I have insisted previously in this article that you should store your juice in small containers or one big glass jar if you are sure you will consume it all after thawing. 

The shelf life of opened pineapple juice after thawing is incredibly small. In other words, take it immediately once it is at normal room temperature, as it might start going bad soon after opening it. 

Otherwise, thawing twice might also give room for the growth of bacteria, thereby making the juice unsafe for consumption. ​The juice texture also changes after thawing the first time, which means it could become far worse if thawed several times. 

Avoid it!

How Do You Know If Your Thawed Pineapple Juice Is Safe For Taking?

Do not take the pineapple juice if you notice the following after successfully thawing it.

  • The juice has an alcoholic-like or vinegar-like smell
  • If the thawed pineapple juice is watery, bland, or tastes way more bitter than it should, even when acidic.
  • Mold is floating on the juice
  • Its color has changed to dark gold

These are warning signs, and they only prove that the juice has gone bad, probably because you did not store it correctly or there was a power outage, so your juice was left under unfavorable storage conditions.

Parting Shot

What do we say now? Can you freeze pineapple juice? Yes, you can! This article has just taught you how to do it safely. Whether it is canned pineapple juice or fresh homemade juice, freeze it. 

However, you must maintain high hygiene measures during its preparation to avoid contamination. Otherwise, if any bacteria find their way into the juice, then after thawing it, the bacteria will continue to grow. 

Consumption of such pineapple juice is dangerous and could put your health at risk. 

Thankfully, various options are available when it comes to freezing your juice. So, whether you want to make pineapple juice ice cubes using ice trays or ice cream or just trying to preserve your juice for future use, you can safely freeze it and retain its health benefits.

It is best to avoid plastic containers as they could allow the growth of bacteria after the juice absorbs odors from other foods in the freezer. Also, only use recommended freezer-safe plastic bags and glass jars. Other plastic bags could tear, while glass jars could crack if left in the freezer for weeks or months.

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