Can you freeze limes?

Can You Freeze Limes? Plus Best Ways to Defrost Frozen Limes

Have you ever seen a great lime sale you didn’t want to pass? It happens to many, and sometimes you buy more limes than you can consume daily. What do you do in such scenarios? Can you freeze limes?

A precise answer is yes, you can freeze limes. The shelf life of fresh lime is 1 to 2 weeks, but when you freeze them, they can last up to 6 to 12 months. You can freeze whole limes or thin slices. You can defrost your limes by keeping them in the fridge overnight or leaving them at room temperature on the counter. 

In this article, I’ll guide you on how to preserve limes excellently and defrost them correctly.

Let’s get started.

Can You Freeze Limes?

Indeed, it’s possible and easy to freeze limes. Limes freeze well, regardless of whether you want to juice them, wedge or slice them, or freeze them whole. 

So, if you’re thinking of freezing your pineapple juice and limes, do it. What’s more? The same way you freeze limes is the same way you freeze every other citrus fruit. 

Though limes are available all year, their cost may change. Hence, buying more than you can consume within a specific time is always a great idea if you find them going at a cheaper cost. 

Sadly, as with other frozen foods, the longer the limes stay in the freezer, the more they lose flavor. That means they could taste a little different from fresh limes. But that shouldn’t be an issue; the nutrients therein remain intact.

However, it’s vital to note that limes’ texture changes once thawed. They become soft. Don’t freeze your limes if this is not the texture you would want. 

How To Freeze Limes

There are different ways to freeze limes based on what you’ll need to use or how to use them. For example, some people want to use lime juice, while others want to use lime slices. To ensure that all your questions are answered, I’ll cover how to freeze the lime wedges, thin slices, juice, or whole fruit in this article.

So, keep reading to learn the perfect way to freeze limes.

How Do You Preserve Whole Limes?

The easiest and fastest way to preserve whole limes is by freezing them using an airtight container or high-quality freezer bag. But you don’t just grab limes and throw them into the freezer bags. Here’s the correct way to preserve whole limes. 

  • Remove dirt, pesticides, or wax coating by washing the limes thoroughly using clean (running) water.
  • Place the limes on a tray and allow them to dry, or pat them dry using a paper towel.
  • Once dry, put several limes into a freezer bag, let out all the air to retain the lime flavor, and seal the bag tightly. 
  • If you’re using a transparent freezer bag, you might not have to indicate the product, but you need to indicate the freezing date.
  • Place the bag in the freezer and use the limes as need be.

NOTE: A great way to keep your limes from going bad is to store a few limes in the bag so that you only remove what you need when it is time to use them instead of removing more than you need. 


Can I Freeze Fresh Lime Slices?

Yes, it’s possible to freeze lime slices just like you do whole ones. However, in this case, you’ll spend a little more time preparing the limes for freezing. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to freeze fresh lime slices:

  • Thoroughly wash the limes and tap them dry using a clean kitchen towel or paper towel
  • Using a sharp knife, slice the limes into thin (¼ inch thick) slices 
  • To make it easier to remove from the freezer for use, lay the slices on the baking sheet with the peel-side facing down. Also, ensure that the slices are not in contact with each other.
  • To avoid contamination with other foods, cover the limes with freezer foil and store the lime slices in the freezer for about 2 hours to become solid. 
  • Once well frozen, wear gloves or thoroughly clean your hands and dry them and then pick the slices and put them in a recommended plastic freezer bag.
  • To keep the lime slices fresh and prevent freezer burn, squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing the bag. 
  • Note the storage date on the freezer bag to ensure they’re consumed before expiry. If the freezer bag isn’t transparent, also note the product name. 

The above procedure also applies when freezing lime wedges. 

Is It Okay To Freeze Lime Juice?

It is okay to freeze lime juice. So, if you love using lime juice when baking or dressing food or simply adding the juice to your lemon tea for extra flavor, you might want to freeze some lime juice for future use. 

Here’s how to freeze lime juice; a step-by-step guide.

  • Clean the limes and tap dry using a clean kitchen towel or paper towel
  • Cut the limes into halves and squeeze out the juice
  • Pour the juice into glass jars and seal them tightly (best if you’ll use all the juice in one go).
  • Use ice cube trays if you do not plan to use the juice in one go. Pour small portions of juice into the ice cube tray and store it in the freezer for 2 to 3 hours to become solid. 
  • After removing all the air in the freezer bags, seal them properly and store your lime juice in the freezer.

How Do You Defrost Frozen Limes?

Most people will encourage running frozen limes under warm water or putting them in the microwave for 10 seconds to defrost. That might sound like a quick hack, but I wouldn’t encourage that.

The best and safest way to defrost frozen limes is to leave them in the fridge overnight. While wedges and thin slices of lime might take a shorter time to defrost, whole ones might need about 3 to 5 hours to defrost. Huge limes might need up to 10 hours to defrost thoroughly. 

Suppose you want to shorten the time to defrost your limes, dip them in a bowl of cold water and store them in the fridge. The process accelerates, and your limes might be ready in 1 or 2 hours. 

Another great way to defrost your limes is to leave them at room temperature overnight on the counter. 

NOTE: If you want to zest your limes, you can do so before defrosting. Why? Limes tend to become soft, and you’ll have difficulty zesting after defrosting. 

How Long Do Limes Last In The Freezer?

Whole limes can last in the freezer for up to 1 year (12 months). Let’s call a space a spade, though. Frozen limes won’t taste as good as fresh, non-frozen limes. Nevertheless, the taste might change; but none of the nutrients in your lime will be lost.

Even so, if you freeze your limes properly and use them after 2 to 4 weeks, they will retain flavor. 

I would also recommend not keeping sliced limes for many months in the freezer. Same case with lime wedges. So, don’t keep your sliced limes in the freezer for more than 6 months. Also, if you freeze lime juice, it’s best to consume it within 6 months. After six months, your juice might change color or smell weird. Don’t take such lime juice; throw it away.

To keep your lime zest, thin slices, juice, or wedges in the freezer longer, use 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Below that, you might want to consume them within 3 to 6 months.  

Closing Line

If you have an abundance of limes you want to use after a couple of months, you can use a freezer-safe container or an airtight Ziploc bag and freeze them for 6 to 12 months. So, the next time you go to the grocery store and find a great deal of limes, don’t allow that opportunity to pass you.

A good option is to use the above simple steps to freeze your limes. Not only is freezing lime slices or whole fruits a simple process that helps keep them fresh for a longer time, but it is also economical. Thankfully, the nutritional value of whole limes, lime slices, or frozen lime juice is the same. So, you will rip all the health benefits. 

However, the flavor of the lime after defrosting might not be the same as that of the fresh one. 

It’s a great option to freeze your limes in small quantities. So, use a small freezer bag to freeze a single lime cut into thin slices and ensure they’re not touching each other. 

The above ways of freezing lime are the same for freezing any other sliced or whole citrus fruit.

Have you been wondering if you can freeze limes? Try the above easy tips and share your experience with me in the comment section. 

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